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MIDCITY Islamabad aims to develop a 15-Minute City near Islamabad International
Airport to provide one-stop metropolis to meet standards of green livability and
modern urban life. MlDClTY Aerotropolis aims to create an urban experience, offering
a wide range of amenities such as hotels, shopping, entertainment, dining, and
business facilities. It provides a seamless environment for people to easily arrive,
conduct their affairs, and depart, enjoying the conveniences of a vibrant city.


With unique and compelling architectural design,
MIDCITY Islamabad offers an ideal setting for you
family to be part of the vibrant community and
enjoy a convenient, communal lifestyle*

Life at MIDCITY Islamabad

Embrace the pulse Of city life within the oasis Of MIDCITY Islamabad, where every day is an
opportunity to thrive amidst endless amenities and secure neighborhood.

Living Bigger, Living Better

MIDCITY unlocks a world of boundless possibilities, empowering its residents to live a life that is grander and re fulfilling. By meticulously crafting » caters to their psychological, emotional and sical well- MIDCITY inspiri pas n and becomes a catalyst of •mbracing the true esse . It is. that residents discover the fre thriV< Plock their pbteptial, and embark on a of unbridled joy, puOose, and limitless growth.


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Eager to learn more about our classy community and its uniqueness. Reach out to us today and look at how we are fulfilling your dream of a modern lifestyle.

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